Arrest soldiers who killed my husband, wife of man beaten to death tells Nigerian Army

The wife of a 40-year-old Adeola Oyekun who was allegedly beat up by some soldiers of the Nigerian army have called for the arrest of the culprits

- Glory Fagbayide who spoke to Punch said she wants justice for her husband who was killed on Friday, March 24.

Oyekunwho was allegedly beat up by some soldiers of the Nigerian army have called for the arrest of the culprits.Glory Fagbayide who spoke to Punch said she wants justice for her husband who was killed on Friday, March 24. gathered that Glory demanded the immediate arrest of the soldiers involved in killing her husband by the Nigerian army.

“I want justice. The four soldiers that beat my husband, our landlady and his son must all end up in jail. My husband and I just married September 2016,"Glory said.Oyekan, a tenant in Ogijo in Ogun state was allegedly beat to death by some soldiers of 174 Battalion Ikorodu.He was said to have died from the injuries he sustained during the beating.

Witnesses said the victim of soldiers assault was rushed to the Pillars Hospital in Ogijo where he died on arrival.Oyekan's incident comes barley a week after a lady was assaulted by some soldiers of the Nigerian army in Ikoroduarea of Lagos.Also, last month, a cripple in Onitsha was assaulted by some soldiers on patrol because he was wearing a military uniform
