Yemi alade’s music gets serious blasting!.

Following the recently concluded singing talent show, The voice Nigeria; Fans took to twitter expressing their views on the show but it soon created a spotlight on Popular Female Musician, Yemi Alade’s music who was one of the judges/coaches on the show.The artiste performed “knack am”, her newly released single with two contestants under her coaching during the finale of the show. This must have caused many to focus on the lyrical content of the song which has lines like ‘olo lo lo lo lo lo’ ‘ale le le le le a le le’ ‘if my body dey dance, my headie dey dance o, na him dey knack am’.The criticisms of her lyrics in the one song ‘knack am’ soon spread across almost all her songs.Despite this,  a host of others still seem to appreciate her music which isquite normal; One man’s meat is another man’s poison.Check out comments from twitter users in pictures below.
